X2E: Move to Earn Game with Sleep to Earn Features

Project Overview:  An innovative gamified platform that combines the concepts of “Move to Earn” and “Sleep to Earn” to incentivize users to lead active and healthy lifestyles while also rewarding them for participating in the decentralized finance (DeFi) ecosystem during their downtime. Players can earn cryptocurrency rewards by engaging in physical activities and staking their assets in various DeFi protocols during designated periods, creating a unique blend of gaming and DeFi experiences.


  1. User Engagement and Motivation: Encouraging consistent user engagement in both physical activities and DeFi participation required designing an appealing and rewarding gameplay experience.
  2. Integrating with External Data: Incorporating reliable data sources to verify users’ physical activities and sleep patterns was essential for ensuring fairness and preventing gaming of the system.
  3. Security and Privacy: Safeguarding user data, particularly health-related information, was paramount to build trust and comply with privacy regulations.

Solution:  A groundbreaking Move to Earn and Sleep to Earn game, implementing the following solutions:

  1. Fitness Wearable Integration: Users could connect their fitness wearables or smartphone health apps to “EarnVille,” allowing the platform to track and verify their physical activities, such as steps taken or distance covered.
  2. Decentralized Oracles and External Data Verification: The platform employed decentralized oracles to securely retrieve and verify data from external sources, ensuring the accuracy and authenticity of users’ physical activity data.
  3. DeFi Yield Farming and Staking: During designated “Sleep to Earn” periods, users were incentivized to stake their assets in selected DeFi protocols through the platform, earning rewards based on their staking activities.
  4. Gamification and Reward Mechanisms: dApp incorporated gamification elements, such as leaderboards, achievements, and rewards for achieving fitness goals and actively participating in DeFi protocols, fostering user motivation and engagement.
    *Other technologies and languages not listed here may also be incorporated